Monday, December 26, 2011

Rhythm of the Rain

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain, tellin' me just what a fool I've been.
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain and let me be alone again.


Rain poured down heavily from the dark cumulonimbus cloud. Thunderbolt stroke halving the sky along with the rumbling sound of the frightening thunder. Cold breeze blew through my skin and made it shivered in chillness. I took shelter in front of bakery shop, crossing and grasping my two arms coated with light brown cardigan. It was rather wet and successfully made me quivering. My hair was dripping wet because I recklessly ran under the rain from nearby bookstore until the thunder freaked me out with its deafening sound and forced me to stop by here.

Friday, November 25, 2011


It may be too much late to say and I have no courage to say it directly to you.

I'd like to say sorry and thanks.

Sorry for belittling you. For looking down on you. For regarding like you're a mere someone in this world. For turning down your kindness. 

Yeah, I'm the worst human being. I have no idea how could I be so mean to you that time. 

I regret that. Remorse that. I wish I could just turn back time and cleared everything up. But it's just too late and no turning back. I should regard you better because you deserved that.

The last but not least, you deserve a better woman, much better than me. I have hurt you badly and I do not deserve your kindness.

Thank you for all you've done to me. I really cherish that. Sayonara.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sayonara, Anata no Koto no Kioku~!

This is my first story that will include Japanese language quite a few. Shinpai shinai, kanji o tsukwanai yo, kondo wa romaji desu. So what kind of story this way? I have no idea either, suddenly it came up with my mind. So maybe there's no beginning of this one-shot-conversation story.

You still remember about Alice story? Right, you may say it's Japanese version of it. Why bother myself just to write the existing story with different characters? I was about to make another spoiler of Alice story, but it didn't seem too suitable since the story took place in Massachusetts, US and there's no way native Americans would use Japanese in their country to speak with each other.

Setting place: Shinjuku-ward, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
Casts: Miyaharu Natsuko(宮春夏子), Yamazaki Hikaru (山崎光), Uehara Misaki (上原岬), Satou Hana (砂糖花),

CHAPTER 1 - Two Roads, One crossroad

山崎光 : Matte, Natsuko! Yamerou! Yamenasai!

Hikaru ran, pursuing the running Natsuko, he then gripped her left arm tightly.

宮春夏子 : Hanashite!

She tried to let go off his hand, ignoring him and stubbornly got away but to no avail since he was stronger than her.

山崎光 : Ikanaide!... nanika o iu ze!

宮春夏子 : Nanimo iwanai, zenzen. Kanojo ga matteru, hayaku modorenakya! Watashi wa daijoubu, sugoku daijobu desu...

Tears rolled down on her face unintentionally. Hurt... that's the only thing she felt right now. Just like being cut off by a dull knife.

山崎光 : Datto shitara, naze naiteru?! Koko ni mite kure!

She gasped and immediately wiped the tears. Giving up, she finally turned her back away and laboriously looked at the face that she would not see the most.

宮春夏子 : Anata wa nanimo wakacchainai! Oshiereba mada wakacchainai! Soshite anata ga shiru hitsuyou wa inai! Hanashite, onegai...

Her sight looked all blurry, she could not even prevent the tears from falling. Hikaru was bit surprised but he had no choice but to release her hand. She ran and ran, bringing along all pain she held for so long. Finally she realized that it was the time to completely let go off him and close the book of memory of them, forever.

* * *

RIIIIIIIING~ A sudden voice that came from no where ringing. Natsuko immediately opened her eyes and pushed the turn-off button of the alarm to snooze it away. She took a deep breath and breathed it out. 

宮春夏子 : Yume ka? Tsukareta...

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. A door knocked. 

お母さん : Natsuko, Misaki-chan ga kuru wa yo... anata mou okite deshou? She waits in living room, Dear. Let's change clothes and meet her!

That's the voice of her mother telling her that someone's coming.

宮春夏子 : Hai, okita desu... doushite aitsu koko ni konai no?

お母さん : Saa ne... chotto isogashii mitai. Anata to iku n deshou? 

She tried to remember what promise she had made to her best friend. 

宮春夏子: Ara-! *facepalms* Hai, hai, oboete yo! juu-fun de okay da, aitsu ni oshiete kureru~

お母さん : Ii yo. Toriaezu, hayaku!

(to be continued...)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

And I Failed Again For the Numerous Times

Sesuai dengan janji gw dua minggu lalu yah, gw akan ngasih tau kelanjutan dari tahapan rekruitasi di PT. XYZ itu. Seperti yang udah gw duga, ternyata kali ini pun gw belum beruntung. Gw gagal lagi untuk ke proses selanjutnya. 

Gagal, gagal, dan gagal. Ini udah kesekian kalinya gw gagal dalam tes kerja. Jujur, gw sempet down, tapi gw berusaha berkhusnuzon dan mengambil hikmah dibalik semua kegagalan ini. Gw percaya sama pribahasa, 

"Gagal adalah kunci menuju sukses selama kita tak berhenti mencoba."

Inget Thomas Alfa Edison yang gagal pada percobaan 9999 bohlam lampunya sebelum akhirnya dia berhasil? Ingat juga Michael Jordan yang 9000 kali gagal memasukkan bola ke ring sebelum akhirnya menjadi bintang NBA? 

Gw percaya itu. Gw nggak akan terlarut dalam kegagalan ini. Gw akan berusaha lebih baik lagi dengan seluruh kemampuan. Inna ma'al usri yusro, sesungguhnya setelah kesulitan ada kemudahan. Kuncinya adalah sabar, ikhlas, dan jangan pernah menyerah. Semangat!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

My [Damned] Colorful Day

October 3, 2011

What's more I could say towards this day? Red, blue, grey, and even black colored the first day of the week!

Hari Senin itu dimulai dengan pertandingan big match yang gw tunggu-tunggu antara tim kesayangan gw Juventus melawan rival terberatnya di Serie A, AC Milan. Berbekal tidur cuma 2 jam kurang, mata gw tumben-tumbennya langsung refleks terbuka lebar saat alarm di hape bunyi sekitar jam 01.30 WIB. Tanpa buang waktu, gw pun segera menyetel channel yang menyiarkan il grande partita itu.

Pertandingan ternyata udah dimulai. Dengan deg-degan gw menyaksikan jalannya pertandingan. Swear, gw kaget dengan permainan anak-anak Juventus ini. Mainnya bener-bener impresif dan militan! Jarang ya gw ngeliat Juve kayak gini beberapa tahun terakhir yang bener-bener sangat ngotot untuk menang. Well, mungkin gw akan cerita tentang jalannya il grande partita ini pada post selanjutnya. Intinya Juve menang 2-0. Gw sangat bersyukur sekaligus senang karena ini bakal jadi mood-booster gw selama seminggu. 

Pertandingan selesai sekitar jam 4 pagi dini hari. Tadinya gw mau tidur sebentar, tapi ternyata nggak ngantuk plus udah adzan Subuh. Akhirnya gw solat dulu dan berencana tidur setelahnya, seenggaknya satu jam lah soalnya gw harus berangkat pagi-pagi untuk menghadiri undangan tes dari suatu bank BUMN yang tempatnya lumayan jauh dari rumah. Ternyata gw nggak bisa tidur karena masih terlarut dalam euforia kemenangan. Dodol ya, bukan nyiapin buat tes malah terlena sama pertandingannya Juve. 

Jam 06.15 pun gw berangkat dari rumah dan langsung menuju shelter busway terdekat. Ya, inilah kendaraan andalan gw karena gw nggak bisa nyetir motor atau mobil. Singkatnya, gw baru mulai tes sekitar jam 10.30'an lah. 

Jadi ceritanya hari itu gw dijadwalkan untuk tes tahap 4 di bank punya pemerintah itu, yaitu Leaderless Group Disucssion atau disingkat LGD. Jujur sih, sebenernya gw udah pengen mundur dari tahapan rekruitasi disini dari awal karena gw agak nggak yakin. Selain nggak yakin karena sistem kontrak yang bisa dibilang sangat mengikat, gw pun denger beberapa 'cerita miring' tentang bank ini. Ya, pada awalnya gw milih untuk bersikap "Whatever you say lah." Tapi entah kenapa setelah interview awal berakhir, gw kok rada ngerasa nggak yakin. Apalagi pas dia nanya, 

"Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Indonesia?"
"Umm... Ya."

Gw ngerasa udah ngasih jawaban bullshit yang nggak dari hati. Apa gw tega melancong jauh-jauh dan ninggalin nyokap gw di Jakarta sendiri? Oke lah, sekarang masih ada kakak, tapi rencananya kakak gw mau pindah tahun depan dan otomatis tinggal kita berdua doang disini. Kalo gw melancong ke ujung Indonesia atau somewhere in it, nyokap gw kasian lah. Selain itu udah cukup lah gw ninggalin nyokap selama 5 tahun untuk kuliah, masa iya gw harus miber sana-sini lagi. 

Setelah berpikir jernih dan mencoba mempertimbangkan saran dari temen gw yang pernah kerja disana, gw pun mulai ragu. Bukan karena gw berhasil dipengaruhi, tapi gw punya alasan yang sangat logis. Ternyata gw berhasil melewati hingga tahap 3, karena gw anggep itung-itung latihan lah. Nah pas tahap 4 ini keraguan gw makin menjadi. Keinginan untuk nggak ngelanjutin rekruitasi disini pun makin membuncah. Pada malem sebelum tes, bukannya belajar sesuatu, gw malah buka-buka berita sepakbola, ngeliat gimana persiapan Juve untuk pertandingan besoknya. Dan gw pun sempet buka thread yang kontra dengan bank tersebut. Entah gw cuma pengen berusaha nyari pembelaan atau apa, pokonya gw jadi semakin yakin kalo gw nggak pengen disana. Tapi gw masih tetep berharap yang terbaik dari-Nya. 

Keraguan gw pun menjadi kenyataan. Saat tes dimulai, entah kenapa ada suatu inexplicable effect yang terjadi sama gw. Emang sih FGD, LGD, atau sejenisnya adalah salah satu tes kerja yang paaaaaling nggak gw suka. Tapi biasanya gw masih bisa mengatasinya. Nah yesterday seemed to be the opposite. Inexplicable effect itu muncul saat gw mulai baca kasus yang dikasih. Tiba-tiba aja tangan gw gemeteran, otak nggak fokus, dan pengen lari dari tempat itu. Akhirnya waktu untuk menganalisis sendiri habis sementara gw hampir belom nulis kesimpulan apa-apa di kertas. Gw nggak bisa menganalisis kasusnya, entah kenapa. Ide sama sekali nggak muncul dari otak. Akhirnya gw nyerah dan akting sok cool, sambil dengerin temen-temen yang lain ngeluarin pendapatnya. Selama yang lain sibuk bercas-cis-cus ngeluarin pendapat, tiba-tiba gw ngerasa mual. Darah seakan ninggalin kepala (gw yakin kalo gw ngaca saat itu, muka gw pasti keliatan pucet), dan parahnya gw mau muntah. Pala terasa pusing dan satu-satunya yang kepikiran diotak gw adalah gimana caranya gw bisa keluar dari ruangan itu dan nggak balik-balik lagi. Gw terus ngerasa begitu sampai akhirnya giliran gw untuk mengemukakan pendapat pun tiba. Logisnya, kalo gw sendiri sama sekali nggak tau apa yang mau diomongin, gimana gw bisa ngeluarin pendapat? Coretan dikertas itu sama sekali nggak ada kesimpulannya dan super kacau. Tapi gw harus ngomong tanpa tau apa yang harus diomongin. I took a very deep breath and carefully said, "Bla... bla... bla...". Super singkat dan sama sekali nggak berbobot. I knew that, the only thing I wanted was getting out that room sooner. Gw bahkan nggak peduli lagi dengan tes itu. Disisa diskusi pun gw lebih milih diem. Saat itu gw memutuskan kalo gw nggak akan lanjut ke tahap selanjutnya. And that's very obvious. Gw satu-satunya yang 'menonjol' kepasifannya dan yakin lah si penilai udah nyoret nama gw saat itu juga. 

Tes pun selesai dan gw segera ingin meninggalkan gedung yang super gede itu. Gw ngerasa pusing dan nyesel dengan performa gw yang payah-sepayah-payahnya. Tapi jauh dilubuk hati, gw ngerasa lega. Seakan ini mempertegas keraguan gw untuk kerja disini. Kaget ya kok bisa-bisanya gw menghancurkan performa gw sendiri separah itu. Tapi itulah yang terjadi. 

Sepulang dari sana, gw kira kebete-an gw udah berakhir (bete karena kedodolan gw di LGD tadi). Tapi ternyata itu belum selesai. Jadi gw mampir ke Plaza Semanggi untuk solat karena gw yakin waktunya nggak akan keburu kalo solat dirumah. Trus juga perut gw keroncongan dan tergoda untuk makan di restoran seafood favorite gw. Udah kebayang ya 'Cumi Goreng Cabai Garam' yang super enak itu dipikiran gw. Nyampe di restoran, gw pun duduk sendiri (maklum lah, namanya juga jomblo, jadi ngeresto pun sendiri ). Sebenernya gw ngajakin salah satu sahabat gw dari jaman SMA, tapi dia nggak bisa. Tanpa buang-buang waktu, gw segera manggil pelayannya dan memesan menu favorit gw itu. Tapi apa yang terjadi? Si mbaknya bilang,

"Cumi-nya lagi nggak ada Mbak."

Damn. Tujuan gw dateng ke restoran ini kan cuma mau makan itu. 

"Nggak ada?" dengan sorot kecewa gw pun kembali ngeliat daftar menu dan nyari menu lain dengan harga yang tetep 'bersahabat' tapi enak. Oke, disana ada Ayam Fillet Cabe Kering. Gw pun pesen itu. Dan apa jawaban si waitress? 

"Fillet-nya juga nggak ada. Ikan aja Mbak..."

Amit-amit. Ini restoran niat jualan nggak sih? Masa semuanya nggak ada! Gw udah kesel aja pengen pergi dari restoran ini, selain karena mood gw yang lagi super nggak bagus. Tapi nggak lucu juga dong udah duduk tiba-tiba pergi. Gw pun terpaksa ngeliat menu yang udah nggak menarik perhatian gw itu. Akhirnya mata gw tertuju pada kata "Omelet Seafood" dengan harga yang sama dengan cumi favorit gw dan ayam fillet itu. 

"Omelet seafood deh, minumnya es teh tawar."

Si waitress nyatet pesenan gw di semacam iTouch or whatever itu lah. Gw masih nggak yakin sama yang gw pesen sebenernya dan masih nyari-nyari menu lain.

"Baik, Mbak, saya ulang ya pesenannya. Nasi putih satu, omelet seafood satu, dan es teh tawar satu."
"Eh omelet seafood-nya kayak apa ya?" 

Gw penasaran karena gw kira omelet seafood itu telur dadar yang diisi berbagai seafood yang bikin membangkitkan selera makan.

"Semacam fu yung hai gitu.."

Gw kaget. Gw nggak suka saus fu yung hai karena rasanya bener-bener ngebosenin. Akhirnya gw cari menu lain dan pengen ngerubah pesenan gw.

"Umm... saya ganti deh Mbak, pesen Udang Goreng Cabai Garam aja." gw pun ngalah ngeluarin uang lebih daripada harus makan fu yung hai.

Tapi tau nggak si waitress itu jawab apa?

"Nggak bisa Mbak, pesenannya udah tercetak."

HELL. Apa dia bilang? Seketika gw langsung naik darah tapi thanks to my very good emotion controller, gw pun masih bisa menahan kebetean gw yang hampir meluap itu. 

"Nggak bisa? Saya nggak bisa ngerubah pesenan?"

Tanpa ngomong maaf atau apa si waitress itu berkata dengan sok innocent-nya yang bikin gw pengen segera pergi dari tempat itu. Macam apa lagi ini? Masa pelanggan nggak boleh ngerubah pesenan? Padahal kan makanan belum dibikin. Sempet kepikiran untuk protes ke supervisornya, tapi gw urungkan niat gw itu karena nggak mau nyari gara-gara. 

Dengan ekspresi yang udah terlanjur sebel, gw pun bilang. "Ya udah lah, itu aja."
Si waitress pun ngulang pesenan gw. Tanpa senyum, gw pun cuma nanggepin dengan ekspresi datar.

Akhirnya setelah sekitar 30 menit nunggu (sumpah ini tambah bikin emosi), pesenan pun datang. Mau tau bentuk omelet yang sama sekali nggak membangkitkan selera makan itu? 

Entah ya gimana kalian ngeliatnya, yang jelas gw sama sekali kecewa lantaran harga dan menu yang kurang sesuai itu. Bagi gw ini nggak lebih dari telur dadar yang dicampur tepung dan dikasih udang kecil beberapa buah dan disiram saus fu yung hai. 

Mungkin not so bad rasanya, tapi buat gw yang emang udah bete sama si waitress, bikin gw ilang feeling buat makan. Tau gini gw mending makan di restoran Jepang yang karuan memuaskan deh. Dengan agak terpaksa gw pun makan. Nggak begitu selera sih karena tiba-tiba aja gw ngerasa kenyang. Tapi tetep gw paksa untuk makan dan hasilnya gw pun ngerasa 'eneg'. 

Hah. What a day. Setelah paginya gw bersuka cita atas kemenangan Juve, seharian setelahnya adalah hari terburuk gw. Serentetan kejadian menyebalkan terjadi. Tapi okelah, seenggaknya kemenangan itu masih bisa jadi pengobat hati bagi gw walaupun lagi-lagi kegelisahan melanda,


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kisah Rekruitasi di PT XYZ

Nggak biasanya gw posting sesuatu yang mengisahkan tentang proses rekruitasi di suatu perusahaan yang belum jelas hasil akhirnya. Selama ini gw selalu berikrar kalo gw baru akan posting kalau perusahaan itu udah officially meng-hire gw. Tapi rasanya gw butuh sedikit curhat disini.

Sebutlah perusahaan yang gw ikuti seleksinya adalah perusahaan XYZ (masih rada 'tabu' aja nyebut nama official nya selama masih belum jelas hasil akhirnya), sebuah perusahaan non-governmental yang punya anak perusahaan sangat banyak. Kenapa tiba-tiba gw mau share di blog padahal gw baru sampe tahap sangat awal?

It's okay. Belum tentu juga ada yang baca postingan gw kali ini .

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Time to Balance the Imbalance

Setelah seminggu terakhir yang sangat hectic dan cukup membuat gw 'lupa' sejenak sama kehidupan rohaniah, gw pun mulai coba kembali menyusun hidup gw yang sempet kocar-kacir ini. Faktor gw yang harus absen beribadah karena period bulanan (yah namanya juga wanita) itu sangat berpengaruh. Emosi nggak terkendali, hypersensitive... entah lah. Gw seperti kehilangan pegangan. Biasanya kalo kondisi labil seperti itu, gw selalu merenung, berkomunikasi sama Allah lewat solat. Tapi karena gw lagi nggak bisa solat, jadi beginilah. Berdoa tanpa solat pun rasanya tak cukup untuk mengekang emosi gw yang sangat fluktuatif ini. 

Tadi pagi gw cukup terhenyak. Gw emang udah kembali solat lagi sejak kemarin siang. Ceritanya gw dipanggil buat ikut tes di suatu perusahaan besar dan...  terkenal juga walaupun bukan milik pemerintah. Sebelumnya gw pernah denger selentingan miring tentang proses rekruitasi disini. Katanya kalau nggak punya link 'orang dalem' itu susah. Kira-kira pembicaraan gw tadi pagi begini:

Sepupu: Wih lo tes di PT XXX, Tin?
Gw: Yoa... tapi katanya kalo nggak ada orang dalem susah...
Sepupu: Ngapain takut? Kan elo juga punya backingan.
Gw: Siapa? 

Gw nanya dengan nada pesimis. Backingan darimana? Wong dari silsilah keluarga gw nggak ada kok yang pernah kerja di perusahaan itu.

Sepupu: Allah.

Jawaban sepupu gw itu bener-bener bikin gw terdiem. Astagfirullah... kenapa gw lupa kalau Allah adalah penolong yang paling kuat diantara yang terkuat? Kenapa bisa-bisanya gw melupakan tentang hal itu? 

Gw pun langsung beristigfar. Mohon ampun pada Sang Pemilik Alam Semesta ini. 

"Astagfirullah... Astagfirullah...maafkan aku yang telah melupakan-Mu wahai Tuhan yang Maha Segala. Sesungguhnya hamba percaya bahwa sebaik-baiknya penolong hanyalah Engkau..."

Gw pun berikrar untuk kembali ke kodrat gw sebagai makhluk ciptaan-Nya. Gw akan kembali menyeimbangkan hidup gw yang sempet kacau seminggu terakhir ini. Insya Allah, Aamiin.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

All For My Foolishness and I Deserve That

Being completely engrossed of something I shouldn't for quite a time is all senseless. Getting so worked up without realizing how hurt my feeling was, neglecting all the guilt I did without considering how many people I hurt, and enjoying all the pseudo-pleasure I had. And when I was awaken from those long reveries, I tasted one thing: the dreadful emptiness.

Those laughter were finally gone with nothing remained. I had just lived in hallucination which wholly blind me from seeing the reality. I wished this emptiness was only in my dream, I wished I would soon wake up from this long nightmare, I wished someone would bring me around from this bitter daydream. 

But, this was all real. Not a hallucination. 

 I cried and cried unbelievably, trying hard not to believe that it's real. I begged and begged that someday I could taste those moments of happiness for the second time. I plead and plead that this unpleasant reality would  soon end and turn it into a laughter. I wished and wished hopefully I could get back everything I lost.

But I knew that would never happen.

I wrote down a note, crying regretfully about not treasuring well the moments I spent. I listened to the songs which all just reminded me of my anguish. I remembered every single piece of those illusions. Again and again, without realizing I had chopped my heart into chunks, I had opened the scars and wounded them all over again, I had flushed the hollow in my heart with lemonade, and I had cracked the stitched up wound unpityingly.  

I had never learned how to be a masochist until I met you.

It took quite long time just to realize that those foolishness I did was all meaningless. I wasted my time just to  lament something that would impossibly happen. 

With my eyes open now, I eventually realize that my heart is too precious to be broken, my eyes are too valuable just to shed a single tear over the senseless thing, and my mind is too strong to be ruined for the second time.

"The reality is too cruel, sometimes. But that's a lot of better than the sweet illusion."

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to Get Over an Unrequited Love

These articles are not mine. Please enjoy your reading :)

  1. If your love is not reciprocated, or returned you may feel depressed. You may spend way too much time thinking about it and that can disturb your focus on daily activities and responsibility's. The first thing you need is an open mind. Be willing to be honest with yourself.
  2. Write down the reasons you believe the love is not reciprocated. If "I haven't had a chance to show her / him the real me" is on your list scratch it off. Don't kid yourself you are here to get over this love not plan it out in your future.
  3. Realize the person you love is probably better off without you. If they needed or wanted you they would probably have some desire to be with you and that desire would have already shown you enough reciprocation to stop you from trying to get over the love.
  4. Don't be selfish. If being with this person would make you happy, but make them unhappy, you should prefer them to be with someone else. Love is about wanting what's best for the person you love, not what's best for you.
  5. Don't try to contact the person you love if you already know its not a shared love. This could cause them anger or even guilt for knowing that you are in emotional pain because of them. Love can not be controlled and they can't force themselves to love you. You can't force anyone to love you either.
  6. If you refuse to be with anyone else, then be alone. It's not so bad, contrary to what the movies and magazines will say. After a while you learn to deal with loneliness. What you might feel now is an empty depressing void burning in your chest craving to loved, can actually be a comfortable darkened crutch supplying your soul with endless amounts of self pity allowing you to shift the blame to a cruel "fate" rather than your own shortcomings.
  7. Don't tell others how you feel unless you are ready for them to make fun of you and call you a baby. Sometimes you can take pride in the fact that you are able to hold tremendous amounts of misery within you and it not show on the outside.
  8. Don't watch sappy love movies or pay any attention to the "happy" people at the mall. Life is no fairy-tale. You may never be in love with anyone else, or even ever be happy, but you can at least spare the person you love the awkwardness of knowing you are still in love with them.
  9.  Shave the ramen noodle soup encrusted beard you've unknowingly grown, put on your least putrid smelling sweat pants and leave your house for the first time in months to find a local book store. Don't worry about that burning sensation in your corneas, it will take time to adjust to actual sunlight from that dim blue light emitted by your Nintendo 64 glaring off your high school yearbook.
  10. Good you have made it to the book store. Now find the science isle, and grab any book. Read. Return and repeat process. Eventually you will learn, through logical reasoning that "unrequited love" is actually nothing more than chemicals in your brain behaving poorly and failing to function correctly. Did you really think you loved her? Real love is built, not fallen into. It takes months or years to build love between people, you cant just claim to be in love with every waitress who serves you at the diner or passer-by who offers more than a couple trivial congenial words of greeting.
  11. Move on with your life. You have now read some science, and hopefully put the sappy movies away like I said. Use the logical reasoning skills you now know and realize that the only thing you had to look forward to, a chance meeting or phone call from the one you "loved", is pointless. Although you have probably invested years into your delusional fantasy world with predetermined "soul-mates", and the emotional scarring you have inflicted upon yourself will likely never heal completely, maybe things will be okay.

Other articles about 'Unrequited Love':

I soon will write myself about this kind of love. But I'm not going to do it now since I'm not in the mood for doing that :P

(Will update soon...)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Me and the Languages

I have once written a topic about language I spoke and some others that I was interested to learn. Maybe I will re-write what I was written. It's not like I want to become conceited by showing off the languages I have mastered, but I just want to share it anyway.

Everyone knows that I'm Indonesian since I was born and raised here, not to mention the facts that both of my parents are Indonesian, from Java ethnic for more precise. Bahasa Indonesia is my mother tongue which I usually use it in my daily life - like speaking with other Indonesians, my parents and family, and also for school things.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where Should I Go (Again)?

Where should I go if the test result is unsatisfied? Where should I step my foot? Where should I follow the path?

I don't want to fail again this time. Please, God... with all my humbleness, I sincerely ask You, my one and only God...
Show me Your way, give me Your grace...
Don't leave me in necessity, don't leave me in emptiness, don't leave me in confusion, don't leave me in ignorance...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Best Regard For You, Mr. David Archuleta!

July 16, 2011

Without a perfect condition due to bad cough and cold, also regretfully leaving the Nisfu Sya'ban Night, I went to Pond's Teen Concert held in Lapangan D Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia on July 16, 2011 just to see my loveliest idol, David James Archuleta or popularly known as David Archuleta. Who is David Archuleta?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Am I Failed Again This Time?

July 12th, 2011

Today is my very first day in my 23. Yeah, I can say this is my birthday, my birthday that full of hope. I keep wishing and wishing God's grace will come to me in this new age.

Tapi pagi ini gw baca berita yang cukup membuat kepala nge-blank. Dari suatu site forum diskusi, ternyata udah ada yang diterima di perusahaan yang sangat gw impi-impikan sejak kecil itu untuk fungsi yang sama dan waktu interview yang sama pula dari Hari Sabtu lalu while gw belum dapet pengumumuman apa-apa.

Gw sempet termenung, apa gw harus gagal lagi kali ini setelah berpuluh-puluh kegagalan sebelumnya?
Apakah gw harus gagal lagi setelah sejauh ini?
Apa gw harus ngelupain mimpi gw untuk bekerja dan berkontribusi diperusahaan yang sebagian keuntungannya untuk negara itu?

Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan...
Perkenankanlah hamba-Mu ini untuk sekali ini berhasil dalam proses seleksi perusahaan...
Hanya kepada-Mu hamba meminta dan hanya kepada-Mu hamba berserah...
Kabulkanlah wahai Dzat yang Maha Sempurna, Maha Pengasih, dan Maha Penyayang...

Gw ga akan menyerah, gw ga akan berhenti untuk mengharap mukjizat-Nya, karena tak ada yang mustahil bagi Dia Yang Maha Kekal...
Kalaupun seandainya ini (lagi-lagi) bukan rejeki gw, gw harus kembali berjalan. Holding my head up high, walaupun gw masih sangat berharap diberikan kesempatan untuk lolos seleksi.

Intinya ikhlas dan positif thinking. Rejeki nggak akan kemana. Kalau emang belom rejeki, mungkin emang saya tak berjodoh dengan perusahaan itu.

Ya Allah, Ya Rabb...
Tunjukanlah jalan-Mu, sesungguhnya hamba sangat berharap Kau akan mengabulkan doaku dan aku yakin Kau akan mengabulkannya...
Aamiin, aamiin, Ya Rabbal Alamin...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Humans Do the Best, God Do the Rest :)

It's been so long I didn't blog in my mother tongue. So this time (seriously, it's actually due to my laziness typing in English), I will use Bahasa... like anyone would read 

Friday, July 08, 2011

God, I Need Your Strength Always...

Again, I'm in an anxious state, as if anxieties took over my mind. But I'm trying to calm down myself and letting God do the rest.

I believe in You, God...
I put all my faith in You...
I'm nothing without Your Strength, I'm nothing without Your Grace...
I'm sure You know the best for me.

I still have no idea where should I sail my ship again if the worst scenario happens. I should be ready to face any possibilities. But I never give up on hope because I believe that God exists.

With all my humbleness I'm asking You, God... please...
Only to You I can ask for hope...
I believe, You will answer my pray...

Monday, July 04, 2011

Tour de Kyoto!

Tour de Kyoto! Day 1

Osaka Bay, Osaka, Japan

Tna: Sugoooooi (Awesome)~! This is the first time for me seeing the airport in the middle of the sea!

Kaoko: Yeah, Kansai International Airport also known as Sinking Airport. What's surprising us more, it's actually built in a man-made island!

Tna: Maji ka yo (Seriously)? Sasuga Nippon datta (As expected from Japan)... 

Kaoko: Ah, tonikaku Tna-chan, who is supposed to pick us up here? It should be someone who has the name begins with 'RU' deshou ne?

Tna: Sore wa... ah there they are!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Stories About Love...

I happened to find these love stories collection while checking up my directories on my laptop this morning. These actually NOT mine. I found them somewhere on internet. I do apologize for not mentioning the source because I completely forgot where did they come from.

So the first is titled 'Tree, Leaf, and Wind'. It was pretty much touchy. I was sort of drop little tears from my eyes. The story is about two human beings (a girl and a guy) which had really close relationship named friendship. You can say it is sort of platonic friendship. The guy analogized himself as a tree while the girl was a leaf attaching firmly to the tree. The girl realized that she really loved her best friend but never found the courage to say it instead of waiting him saying the words because at first she was pretty sure that he also had the same feeling. As time passed by, the girl eventually knew that he just regarded her as a best friend, no more. She decided to leave the tree and the wind swept her away to the better place.

Well, well, it would better to you to read it yourself.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Japanese Healthy Food

Hello, everyone! Sorry for the long progress of the story, I was busy in these last several days. Gomen ne, Kaoko-chan! :D

Rin: Konnichiwa, minna! I'm Rin ( リン ) from Konohagakure! I'm actually a medical ninja and a member of Team Minato, along with Kakashi and Obito...

Rin: Maybe, today's lesson will be a little boring because I'm all alone, without the Japanese Classroom senpai, Tna-san and Kaoko-san. They're actually already coming back to their hometown. But, I'll give you such a useful lesson. Curious?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Once at Twilight...

Two days ago, June 19, at twilight...

I was enjoying my loneliness in my kind-of-messy room with a stack of Japanese guidance and material books which I really wanted to throw them afar  while drinking a cup of hot green tea  , how pacifying...

Suddenly, someone - my distant cousin- ruined my peaceful night. He came to my room and gave me lots of damn! He said some cruel things which should not be said! He didn't even consider my feeling a little bit!

He got me on my nerves that made me wanted to slap his cheek or stuffed his mouth with shoes! Fortunately, I still had a patience. My dislike to any kind of quarrels made me preferred to neglect him and kept my coldness. Okay, at first I couldn't receive his literal has words wholeheartedly. I was so furious! I said,

"Can't you shut your mouth?! None of your business, you see! "

But he didn't pay any attention instead of saying non-sensely and an insult - okay, maybe he didn't intend to insult me, but I really got offended by his words.

Then I said, "Shut up or should I sew your lips? Leave my room, RIGHT NOW! "

Oh well, he successfully ruined my perfect day. Even I tried hard to bear it, I couldn't hide my peevishness. I locked myself in the room and tried to think clearly. Breathed in, breathed out... Inhaled, exhaled...

I even asked, "God... why did you send me some annoying people right before my face ?"
But then I knew the answer. God wanted me to be more patient by meeting them. God wanted to strengthen my fragile mind...

Then I remembered to my favorite words,

"There's no such thing like coincidence for God. God has planned everything, even a single piece of thing."

So, God didn't coincidentally send people to our life, God did it on purpose. Even it doesn't always turn good, we can always take blessing in every disguise, believe it~! 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Japanese Cuisine Part 2

Tokyo Dome, Bunkyou Ward
Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

Ran: Welcome to Furusato Matsuri Tokyo, the original Japanese food festival!

Conan: Here we can celebrate the diversity of regional food, festivals and culture around Japan... Ikimashou, Tna-neechan, Kaoko-neechan and... sumimasen, oneechan no namae wa... (sorry, what's your name, big sister)?

Nga: Atashi wa Nga desu (I'm Nga), Conan-kun...

Conan: Ah gomennasai (I'm sorry), Nga-neechan...

Nga: Ii (it's okay), Conan-kun...

Ran: Ikou (let's go)... let's enter the Tokyo Dome!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Japanese Traditional Marriage

空港第2ビル駅 (Airport Terminal 2 Station)
Chiba Prefecture, Japan

Kaoko: Here we go, Japan! We're coming back again to Tokyo!

Nga: So it is Japan? Naruhodo ne (I see)... it's no wonder if you two always get excited every time you travelling to this country... thanks for asking me to join, Kaoko-chan and Tna-chan... eh, where's Tna-chan?

Kaoko: So iueba (come to think of it)... I haven't seen that girl since we arrived here. Doko ni itte n deshou ano onna (where is she going)... Ah, there she is!


Friday, June 17, 2011

I Miss the Day...

Edited: If I said this is just a non-sense post, then I edit it. Actually no. In this post I really want to tell about I miss the day when I spent time with my loveliest people in my life. If only those days could come back again...

But if you don't want to get bored when reading it, then don't read. .

Where Should I Go?

I really have no idea where my adventure should start again if the medical test result unsatisfied. I don't know where to go... I'm just to tired to sail my ship again. Why should it end up like this? Why am I always failed? Can't I taste the happiness of glory?

It's just hard to accept unexpected thing wholeheartedly. But if it isn't meant to be, then all I can do is holding my head's high. For my mom's sake... for my future's sake...

God, bless us always... with all my humbleness, I ask to you sincerely...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Japanese Tea Ceremony

Nagano Prefecture, Honshu-shima

Tna: Yappari Nihon ni kaechatta (Finally we're coming back to Japan)... Tsukareta (how tired)... 

Kaoko: Waaah... the scenery is sugooooi (great) ~! I like this city!

Hano: Are? Futari tomo koko ni ikenakatta ato de (you both never been here before)?

Thursday, June 09, 2011

I Need Your Strength, God...

I thought I would be better when I posted another post in my blog, but it seems I'm in worse condition than before. Yeah, I'm still stressful, really stressful, and it's unusual. I'm hyperworried over something... not just something, but quite something.

Well, so thanks God I passed the interview and I did medical check up yesterday (the third stage of four of the recruitment process). Beginning from blood checking where my blood was taken in a little glass tube until running about 1,6 km. All parts of my body was checked by the doctor, all. whether inner and outer and it spent all day long. I begin to be checked up at 07.00 am until 07.00 pm. Almost twelve hours, of course including the an-hour-and-half-running.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Do I Deserve Joining Them?

To be honest, I'm in a very stressful circumstance now . Why? Is it because of boyfriend? Friend? Family?

No. Neither. What makes me so stressful in the last one year is being a job seeker. Well, I graduated more than a year ago, but I haven't got any job . Blame my stupidity for not optimizing every chance I had and my terrible bad luck.

Some says, the good thing will eventually happen in the end if we never stop trying. I believe that, I keep running and running, neglecting any cynical views from either my neighbors and my 'friends', pretending I stay strong but actually isn't.

I believe God is the best arranger, the best composer, and everything. I really put all my faith in God. But even I always try to convince myself that I can get over it someday, I tumble down and cry sometimes. I'm just too fragile to face such reality. I still lack of patience apparently.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Japanese Nationwide Festivals

Yamato: Yo, omaetachi (guys)! Ore wa Yamato da, not my real name though because of my job as an ANBU Black Ops!

Yamato: Maybe some of you been wondering why I'm not wearing my mask... well, well, due to any circumstances, I put off my mask. I was in charged of being a captain of Team 7 since Kakashi-senpai was badly injured while ago... but, it wasn't such an easy task accompanying the reckless Naruto-

Naruto: Oy, oy, nani ga itta (what did you say), Yamato-taichou?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Current Top 11 Songs

Well, let's take a break a while from the serious posts. This time I'm going to tell about my current top 11 songs. Current, that means what songs I like to hear recently and always on my playlist. There's no special reason why I choose them, maybe some depicting about my feeling. But some just because I like them. Well, begun from no. 11:


Megure: *cough* *cough* Konnichiwa (Hello!), today, kono (this) Juuzo Megure is in charged of assisting today's lesson!

Megure: And the topic still about Japanese culture. Well, I'm not going to tell you about Japanese Police right now, but maybe later. Midori?

Midori: Doushita no, Anata? (What's the matter, Dear?)

Megure: You're ready to start off the lesson?

Midori: Oh, hai~ Konnichiwa, minna! Today, we're going to know closer about one of Japanese culture, which is Ikebana!

Life Story of Miyamoto Musashi

Tna: Ohayou, minna! Ogenki desu ka?  Kyou, atashitachi wa rekiishi wo benkyosuru. Mochiron, nihon no rekiishi no koto... (Good afternoon, Everyone! Today, we're going to study about history, of course Japanese history...)

Kaoko: We're going to learn about samurai this time, we'll meet one of renowned Japanese swordsmen. Kedo, toshookan ni ikanai desu yo (but we're not going to the library), we'll go to the year where the history takes place!

Tna: Sou, sou (You're right). We're going to 370 years ago by time machine ! Ikoo (let's go), Kaoko-chan!

Kaoko: Iku yoo~

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Alice back to the story. This is just another random story of mine. If you think you'll find yourself unsatisfied when reading it, then stop it and close your browser.

I did not know when this warm feeling had started. But what surprising me the most was Dave sit beside me, right beside me. Looking at me with gently puppy eyes. I could feel his sorrow, his loneliness, his confusion. Those eyes... even they looked so suffered, but the warmness cut through my eyes gently. Yeah, they were the eyes of Dave - Dave I used to know years ago.

I stood up and was about to go, because I knew it wouldn't last forever. I had decided since the last time I met him that I would not let my heart in pain anymore. I should let go off Dave forever, I should go away from his life, I should disappear from his memory...

But no matter how much I tried, I always lost. It looked like my heart was still in his side. I could not forget him, I could not erase every single memory of him carved in the deepest heart of mine, and I could not let go off him.

It was such a guilty pleasure. I knew I should not be happy even when Dave was only half meters behind me, but my heart pounded unconsciously. I had to treasure this moment because I knew it would never happen again in my lifetime.  

Suddenly Dave wrapped me from behind, very tightly and gently... as if he did not want me to go. I was so surprised but I could not even hide that I was so happy right now. God, please stop the time... let me beside him a little more. 

"Wake up, Alice. He's not yours... he's not yours..."

A voice come from my heart reminded me to stop.  I knew, I truly knew he was not even mine, but couldn't I stay like this a little while? I desperately ignored it. I would not care about everything. I would not care about his fiancee nor my wounded heart. As long as I could enjoy this moment, I willingly exchange with anything.

"Dave?" a woman voice that came from nowhere suddenly heard. He immediately released me and stayed me away. 

Not only Dave who was in a big shock, I was trembling looking what's in front of my eyes. Yeah, the one who called him before was Renata Smith, his fiancee. 

I saw him walking towards her and hugged her tightly, very tightly and intimately. I leaned myself on the white wall and slowly tumbled down. Tears rolled down from my eyes. Dave did not even notice me anymore. I even should see the unwanted scene of them; they were kissing each other as if they completely forgot that I was still here, as if the world just made for them.

I hold my chest, it was aching. I deserved this, it was the price I should pay for not listening to my heart's warning. My tears did not seem to dry. I cried in silence, I cried for my stupidity for falling for someone whom I should not. 

That painful scene suddenly vanished as the white fluorescence blinded my eyes. I opened my eyes and finally realized that was only... a dream.

I woke from such a long sleep with my breath panting. What I saw before was only a dream - yeah, a dream. I sweated quite a few, feeling my hearts bit rapidly. I accidentally touched my cheek, it was wet. I did not know whether I should feel relieved or anxious. That dream seemed so real.

It had been three months I never dreamed about Dave since our last meeting at his engagement party. We barely had a call for those time beings. It was me who preferred not to get too involved with him. The excuse was simple, I just wanted to neutralize my feeling and heal the open wound. Yeah, I acted too much whenever around him - I was actually a really good actress and he was a very demanding director.

My day was about to begin. As usual, I completely clueless about what should I do everytime I opened my eyes while people started the day with breakfast they ate and hurriedly went to office. More than a year had I been graduated from college, but I still had not gotten any job. It was not like I was too lazy to get the job nor my family was affluent already, my unluckiness - total unluckiness - caused me into the situations. It was even countless how many company had I applied and how many psychology test and interview had I attended. If I was about to list them on my notes, I thought I would find such a long-failure-list. Oh and just so you know, I was not from the affluent family. I only had a working-hard-mom who always pushed herself to fulfill our daily needs while my dad had been passed away eleven years ago.

I found myself really useless. What a useless human being. I was not even able to ease my mom's ordeal instead of always burdening her. Really, I wanted this condition would over soon. But again and again, everytime I had chances to follow the recruitment tests, I always failed in the different phase. What hurting me the most was the latest recruitment process I followed. So it had been my dream company since I was a child. I had been given the chance to take part until the last stage - but I should fail miserably. Now I did not know where to sail my ship again.

My love life was not even better. It looked like my heart still tightly clung to someone I should not love. Yeah, he was Dave, my engaged best friend. What could I expect from someone who was engaged? What could I expect from someone whom his heart not even for me? 

I saw myself on the mirror. I barely knew who was the girl who stared back at me? A woman whose eyes lost the light of hope. She looked unbelievably pathetic and thinner with eye bags clearly seen on her face.

"Is it really me? How creepy..." I asked to myself. I barely watched my appearances recently since that harsh rejection from that company. "How can I even get a boy friend of I stay like this?"

Actually I did not even care about boys things lately.

(to be continued)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Japanese Cuisine Part 1

Tna: Ima nanji, Kaoko-chan?

Kaoko: 10.15 am...
Tna: Nani ? We've been waiting for forty minutes already?

Kaoko: Sou~ 

20 minutes later...

Miwako: Yo, Anatatachi! O-matase~

Tna, Kaoko: Osoi! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Accidental Rendezvous

Hello! It's not like I'm going to post such a one shot story, but I'm dreadfully bored right now and having no idea what to do. Anything doesn't seem to interest me, neither practicing 200 Kanji nor watching some had-watched movies (oh, I don't know how to put it onto words, but you surely know what I mean).

Inspired from my boredom, weariness, and whatsoever, I decided to make short spoiler of my unfinished novel (yeah I've adjudicated NOT to finish that suck story anymore since the reality turned into the reverse, unexpectedly).

Well, as for the title, it's bit weird if I said a rendezvous to be happening accidentally. Maybe I should write 'Unwanted Rendezvous' or 'Unpleasant Reunion' or whatnot. But I'm not going to change it though. Just read and hope you enjoy.

Cast: Alice Woods, Hanny McKinsy, Clay Hudson, David Forests, Renata Smith, etc.

* * *

Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari by. Supercell

Monday, May 16, 2011

Japanese Martial Arts: Karate

"Ohayou gozaimasu, Minna! After travelling to Osaka for some couple of days, we're back again! Today, we have special guest in this special place! Can you guys figure out where are we?" Tna opened the conversation.

"Well, well, I'll give it a clue..." Tna continued. "This elegant room was made with wooden floor, ceiling, and sometimes the walls. Its function is a place for doing formal training of any Japanese martial arts. Yeah, Japanese people named it 'Dojo' (道場)."

"Shoes are not worn here. Besides the obvious benefits regular cleaning, it also serves to reinforce the fact that dōjō are supposed to be supported and managed by the student body, not the school's instructional staff..." Tna suddenly stopped. "By the way, where's Kaoko-chan?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tour de Osaka!

"O-konnichiwa! Ore wa Nishigawa no Koukousei Tantei, Hattori Heiji. As you may know that I'm Kudou's biggest rival!

"Kyou, we're not going to study at class because you're currently in one of incredibly beautiful city in Japan. Yes, Osaka!" he continued. "Let me show you the marvelous cherry blossoms which maybe don't grow in your country."

Sunday, May 08, 2011

HI, BI, and PI Lesson

Tna: Phew~ That was a lot for HI lesson. No, not just HI, but also BI, PI, HYA, HYU, HYO, BYA, BYU, BYO, PYA, PYU, PYO... . I'm dying 

Kaoko: You bet! I thought it would never end 

Tna: Yeah 

Hinata: Ano...

Kaoko: Ara? Who are you again? 

Hinata: Watashi wa Hyuuga Hinata desu.

Tna: Aha~ perfect person for today!

Kaoko: Yeah! Today's lesson begins with 'HI' so you may fit that perfectly.

Hinata: Ano...dou iu koto?

Tna: 'Dou iu koto' don't know why are you here?

Hinata: Ah~ hai. Kakashi-sensei gave me a mission to meet Tna-san and Kaoko-san at Japanese Classroom. Sore wa ijou... (That's all...)

Kaoko: Aa - sou. Hinata-chan, could you help us teaching the 'HI' lesson? Since your name begins with 'HI' so-

Hinata: Teaching? Oh, well. What kind of subject should I teach?

Tna: Umm...anything, since it has something to do with our lesson.

Hinata was thinking for couple of minutes until Kaoko broke the silence.

Kaoko: Can we start it off now, Hinata-chan?

Hinata: Oh, hai. Konnichiwa, minna! I'm Hyuuga Hinata.

She wrote something on board.

日向(ひゅう が) ヒナタ

Hinata: Hyuu from 'Sun' kanji and 'ga' from 'Mukai (way)' kanji. Actually my name is written on Katakana, but I could also write it in Hiragana, so it becomes...

ヒ ナ タ -> ひ な た

Kaoko: Good job, Hinata-chan! Anything else?

Hinata: Ano...since I am a ninja, I'll teach them my jutsu, but don't worry, it's still related to the lesson. May I?

Tna: Sure!

Hinata activated her eye technique which is only possessed by Hyuuga Clan.

Hinata: Minna-san! This eye technique is called BYAKUGAN (白眼 -> びゃくがん). Literally meaning 'White Eye' because the kanji is taken from '白 (Shiro -> white)'  and '眼 (Me -> eye)'

She wrote them down in a board.

Hinata: This is a special doujutsu (eye technique) which have some abilities. First, Byakugan gives the user a near 360º field of vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the neck. Second, it's able to see through solid objects and can use a degree of telescopic sight. But the greatest ability of Byakugan, it's able to see chakra (energy), chakra flow as well as chakra circulation system inside the body with great detail. But, only those from Hyuuga Clan could possess this jutsu.

All students in classroom listened to her very carefully until someone raised his hands and asked,

Student: Hinata-senpai, could you show us how Byakugan will work when facing another Byakugan user?

Hinata: Ah- hai, chotto. I'll call out Neji-niisan, also from Hyuuga Clan. Then we'll show you when Byakugan meets Byakugan. Chotto matte kudasai~

Hinata was ready to walk out from the class. But when she opened the door knob...


Naruto suddenly came and hang on upside down which made Hinata was totally shocked. Her face suddenly reddened.

Hinata: Na-Na-Naruto-kun....?

Not too long after she said that, she immediately fell of the ground. Fainted.

Tna, Kaoko: Hinata-chan?!

They shook her body, but it seemed she was really fainted.

Tna, Kaoko: N-A-R-U-T-O K-U-N!!! 

Naruto: Dame dame dame! Warukattattebayo~~!

That yellow-haired guy hurriedly ran away, leaving the fainted Hinata and the angry sensei.