Saturday, July 30, 2011

Me and the Languages

I have once written a topic about language I spoke and some others that I was interested to learn. Maybe I will re-write what I was written. It's not like I want to become conceited by showing off the languages I have mastered, but I just want to share it anyway.

Everyone knows that I'm Indonesian since I was born and raised here, not to mention the facts that both of my parents are Indonesian, from Java ethnic for more precise. Bahasa Indonesia is my mother tongue which I usually use it in my daily life - like speaking with other Indonesians, my parents and family, and also for school things.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where Should I Go (Again)?

Where should I go if the test result is unsatisfied? Where should I step my foot? Where should I follow the path?

I don't want to fail again this time. Please, God... with all my humbleness, I sincerely ask You, my one and only God...
Show me Your way, give me Your grace...
Don't leave me in necessity, don't leave me in emptiness, don't leave me in confusion, don't leave me in ignorance...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Best Regard For You, Mr. David Archuleta!

July 16, 2011

Without a perfect condition due to bad cough and cold, also regretfully leaving the Nisfu Sya'ban Night, I went to Pond's Teen Concert held in Lapangan D Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia on July 16, 2011 just to see my loveliest idol, David James Archuleta or popularly known as David Archuleta. Who is David Archuleta?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Am I Failed Again This Time?

July 12th, 2011

Today is my very first day in my 23. Yeah, I can say this is my birthday, my birthday that full of hope. I keep wishing and wishing God's grace will come to me in this new age.

Tapi pagi ini gw baca berita yang cukup membuat kepala nge-blank. Dari suatu site forum diskusi, ternyata udah ada yang diterima di perusahaan yang sangat gw impi-impikan sejak kecil itu untuk fungsi yang sama dan waktu interview yang sama pula dari Hari Sabtu lalu while gw belum dapet pengumumuman apa-apa.

Gw sempet termenung, apa gw harus gagal lagi kali ini setelah berpuluh-puluh kegagalan sebelumnya?
Apakah gw harus gagal lagi setelah sejauh ini?
Apa gw harus ngelupain mimpi gw untuk bekerja dan berkontribusi diperusahaan yang sebagian keuntungannya untuk negara itu?

Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan...
Perkenankanlah hamba-Mu ini untuk sekali ini berhasil dalam proses seleksi perusahaan...
Hanya kepada-Mu hamba meminta dan hanya kepada-Mu hamba berserah...
Kabulkanlah wahai Dzat yang Maha Sempurna, Maha Pengasih, dan Maha Penyayang...

Gw ga akan menyerah, gw ga akan berhenti untuk mengharap mukjizat-Nya, karena tak ada yang mustahil bagi Dia Yang Maha Kekal...
Kalaupun seandainya ini (lagi-lagi) bukan rejeki gw, gw harus kembali berjalan. Holding my head up high, walaupun gw masih sangat berharap diberikan kesempatan untuk lolos seleksi.

Intinya ikhlas dan positif thinking. Rejeki nggak akan kemana. Kalau emang belom rejeki, mungkin emang saya tak berjodoh dengan perusahaan itu.

Ya Allah, Ya Rabb...
Tunjukanlah jalan-Mu, sesungguhnya hamba sangat berharap Kau akan mengabulkan doaku dan aku yakin Kau akan mengabulkannya...
Aamiin, aamiin, Ya Rabbal Alamin...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Humans Do the Best, God Do the Rest :)

It's been so long I didn't blog in my mother tongue. So this time (seriously, it's actually due to my laziness typing in English), I will use Bahasa... like anyone would read 

Friday, July 08, 2011

God, I Need Your Strength Always...

Again, I'm in an anxious state, as if anxieties took over my mind. But I'm trying to calm down myself and letting God do the rest.

I believe in You, God...
I put all my faith in You...
I'm nothing without Your Strength, I'm nothing without Your Grace...
I'm sure You know the best for me.

I still have no idea where should I sail my ship again if the worst scenario happens. I should be ready to face any possibilities. But I never give up on hope because I believe that God exists.

With all my humbleness I'm asking You, God... please...
Only to You I can ask for hope...
I believe, You will answer my pray...

Monday, July 04, 2011

Tour de Kyoto!

Tour de Kyoto! Day 1

Osaka Bay, Osaka, Japan

Tna: Sugoooooi (Awesome)~! This is the first time for me seeing the airport in the middle of the sea!

Kaoko: Yeah, Kansai International Airport also known as Sinking Airport. What's surprising us more, it's actually built in a man-made island!

Tna: Maji ka yo (Seriously)? Sasuga Nippon datta (As expected from Japan)... 

Kaoko: Ah, tonikaku Tna-chan, who is supposed to pick us up here? It should be someone who has the name begins with 'RU' deshou ne?

Tna: Sore wa... ah there they are!