Mom : This afternoon I'd like to go visiting your uncle.
Me : Ah ~ Aye...

Mom : You come along with me as well

Me : Me w-what?

Mom : Why? You have to go, literally!

Me : Ah~

I just took a little sighs. NOOOOO!

Trying hard to find the way in order to stay at home, I've tried to go sleeping

In the afternoon, soon after my mom came home from our food stall, she dressed up and made up herself. Before she asked me for the second, I initiated to tell her about my unwillingness for going.
Me : Mom, I think I'm not going

Mom :

Me : No personal excuse


Me : Sorry, mom. I decline

My mom was given up. Yeah, I won!

Why mom, Why?

Actually, I don't have personal grudge against them. I just kinda disrespect. I know I know it's bad getting back our disrespectful in sort of condition. I know I'm really stubborn-cold hearted girl-alike

The answer is a big NO.

Well, well, I also feel bad indeed, letting my ego on top of everything

Ah~ah well. In the other occasion, I'll be a GOOD person

Okay then, see ya in the next post!

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